OK, once again, it has been a while since my last post, but you will get used to that maybe. The main things that have happened is that one of our mates, Torben, has come back from his trip to Antartica. Welcome back mate!
We have also seen the new Johnny Depp film, Sweeney Todd. That was a lot more bloody and graphic than we had expected…too gory for us. Normally after a movie, the people in the toilets talk about what they thought of the film, but after that one, Bluey said that no-one said anything.
Another major thing is that my darling went to the doctor on Tuesday to make a appointment for a operation to have even more glass removed from her arm. They had the time to do it there and then, so they operated. Bluey said that it didn’t hurt this time, that she just felt pressure during the op. The doctor removed two pieces of glass about 4mm cubed that were encased in tough flesh from being in there for so many years. Bluey was laying on her tummy, resting her head on her left arm during the surgery. However she did look up for a while, see the doctors bloody hands lifting a piece of skin and her finger disappearing into her arm as she felt around to make sure there was nothing more to come out. Bluey said that there was blood all over the doctors hands, scalpel and some even splashed onto the wall…(I had a flashback to Sweeney Todd). Needless to say, her arm is still sore…especially if someone bumps it, leans against it or rubs it… not that anyone would be so careless or forget that she just had surgery. I really do love her but.
Another thing that has happened is our computer finally buggered up. Fortunately another mate ran some repair disk and got our computer up and running again so we could save all our documents, photos and stuff. Thank you very much once again Niels. So this weekend we have been getting used to the new system of our new computer. It has a great graphics card which means that we can play games with great detail. As I write this Bluey is playing Lord Of The Rings Online. I have to admit that my computer understanding is very, very basic. She is the computer genius.
Well that is enough for now. I will say more when I have more to say. I hope everyone is going fine, well and happy. All the best to you all and all yours.