Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blueys tattoo

Harry asked me to write about my tattoo and the significance behind it. I got this tattoo done for my mum. As most of you know I have lost my mum 9 years ago in a car accident that we had in South Africa. I had a lot of trouble getting over the loss, so I decided to get a tattoo in memory of her. Something that I always thought being a wonderful tradition is to put flowers onto the ocean and let the waves carry the flowers away as a last good bye to family members. My favorite flower is the Hibiscus, so I decided to get Hibiscus flowers as a tattoo... so that I symbolized put flowers on the ocean for my mum... just that these stay with me forever. I chose symbolic flowers and not realistic ones, as I liked the style better. It also stands for my new life that I will have in Australia. Certainly not just as stressy as it is here in Germany as the attitude of people overthere is so much more relaxed and friendly. And as I love the ocean and surfing (even thoguh I still have to practise big times when I get there) I thought these flowers would be perfect. Additionally I included the Southern Cross into the flowers, as my mum always loved stars. Whenever we went somewhere on holiday she absolutetly LOVED to see so many stars. Here you can always only see a few, as there is too much light from the big city and because the weather is nearly always shitty lol. Whenever we were on the Southern Hemisphere she looked up into the sky to watch the sky and first of all to look at the Southern Cross... if there is one star combination that I know it is the southern cross. She also always told us to make a wish when there was a shooting star, a believe that I had nearly lost -as I always wished for nothing bad to happen to my family.. which didn'z quite work out :( . I want to show her that I do still believe in the stars... I don't mean starsigns and stuff... just the real stars and their absolute beauty!!! Everyone should take the time and lok into the sky and watch the stars every now and then. Don't forget just how beautiful they are. In addition to this meaning I also had to get the Southern Cross to again stand for my new life in Australia... and especially to show how thankful I am to have Harry! Without Harry I would not be where I am now and not be the person I am. And most certainly I would not be as happy as I am now. I love you Harry. Thank you so very much for everything! SO there you go.. I believe I mentioned everything important about the tattoo. If I forgot anythign I will add it later. Now I will go and upload some photos of the tattoo.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bluey's a bit nervous (poor darling!)

Today my poor darling is panicing. She is all nervous because today she is getting a tattoo done. She didn't sleep at all last loud snoring probably didn't help much either :-). It will be on her right thigh. Bluey is worrying "Will it be too big? Will it look right? Am I making a mistake? Will I regret it later?" My answers are "No,yes, no, no." I will not go into details about the actual tattoo, but I will post pictures later on so you can admire the art work & explain the significance of her design. She keeps half singing, half saying "I'm so bloody nervous!", but she'll be right. She worries too much. I wish I didn't have to wait so long for my tattoo. Ahhh well!

Friday, March 21, 2008

I wish everyone a happy and safe Easter.

Well it is that time of year yet again. Everybody says time flies and I reccon it was only 9 months since it was easter last year. I hope you all have a happy easter wherever you are & whoever you are with and a safe time for all.
Once again a lot has happened since my last post. My father-in-law (Rolf) & his partner have been to Oman for a holiday and had a good time there (lucky buggers^^), and we had a party again. It is funny how often people say on the spur of the minute that they want a party & voilá at Bluey & Harrys. LOL. That is fine with us, however we will probably have withdrawal symptoms when we move back to Oz. Normally we figure out with the guests who brings what, but this time we simply said "Just bring something for the barbie & something to share with everyone else." and it worked out PERFECTLY. We didn't end up with 12 garlic breads, 5 packets of chips & 7 tubs of potato They bought with them a number of varied salads, desert nibblies and drinks without anyone bring the same thing as another person. Well done to all involved. There were a few familiar faces that were missing from the party. We missed you & you know who you all are.
Bluey & a friend (Anke) have also been helping some students at uni who have failed tests in the past. They are there for the students to ask them questions they have about what they have been studying & trying to learn for the test that is coming up next week. The problem is that one even asked if it was really necessary to start learning so early (about 2 weeks ago). They failed the test a number of months ago & still didn't want to worry about starting to learn so late. They also seemed to think that Bluey & Anke were there to TEACH them the subjects that they were taught already, when they are there to help them UNDERSTAND. As Bluey said"How do they think we are going to teach them something in two-and-a-half weeks what they were taught in there course that went for months?" The number of students has dropped so much that there was only one there to learn yesterday & one other came a hour late. Pretty bad... however something makes their attitude as slack-arsed-students even worse is that they are studying to be teachers themselves :-O :-O.
That was not really what I was originally going to say. What I was going to say was that we have more baby chinchillas. I was at work and Bluey called me to tell me. We were not surprised because she had noticed for a while that one of the females had been spending a lot of time on the ground and been seemly fat. So our non-human family members grows. They are just soooooo sweet little things.
Well, I'm getting tired and I have to go to work tomorrow (BUGGER...poor little me). So, good night, all the best & a wonderful Easter to all from your mate Harry.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sorry I've been a bit slack

OK, once again, it has been a while since my last post, but you will get used to that maybe. The main things that have happened is that one of our mates, Torben, has come back from his trip to Antartica. Welcome back mate!
We have also seen the new Johnny Depp film, Sweeney Todd. That was a lot more bloody and graphic than we had expected…too gory for us. Normally after a movie, the people in the toilets talk about what they thought of the film, but after that one, Bluey said that no-one said anything.
Another major thing is that my darling went to the doctor on Tuesday to make a appointment for a operation to have even more glass removed from her arm. They had the time to do it there and then, so they operated. Bluey said that it didn’t hurt this time, that she just felt pressure during the op. The doctor removed two pieces of glass about 4mm cubed that were encased in tough flesh from being in there for so many years. Bluey was laying on her tummy, resting her head on her left arm during the surgery. However she did look up for a while, see the doctors bloody hands lifting a piece of skin and her finger disappearing into her arm as she felt around to make sure there was nothing more to come out. Bluey said that there was blood all over the doctors hands, scalpel and some even splashed onto the wall…(I had a flashback to Sweeney Todd). Needless to say, her arm is still sore…especially if someone bumps it, leans against it or rubs it… not that anyone would be so careless or forget that she just had surgery. I really do love her but.
Another thing that has happened is our computer finally buggered up. Fortunately another mate ran some repair disk and got our computer up and running again so we could save all our documents, photos and stuff. Thank you very much once again Niels. So this weekend we have been getting used to the new system of our new computer. It has a great graphics card which means that we can play games with great detail. As I write this Bluey is playing Lord Of The Rings Online. I have to admit that my computer understanding is very, very basic. She is the computer genius.
Well that is enough for now. I will say more when I have more to say. I hope everyone is going fine, well and happy. All the best to you all and all yours.