Sorry that I missed April. There has just been a lot happening with work and Blueys uni work. Just a brief overview of the main things that have happened since my last post , we got some beaded lizards at work, Bluey has bought me (well us) tickets for Queen with Paul Rogers concert, Bluey, Rolf, Elke & I (& Scrubbs) had a wonderful day on a hike through a nature walk, someone at work fell hard on his head, was taken to hospital & suffered from concussion & I bought us both great bone-carved necklaces from New Zealand.
Firstly the beaded lizards at work. We had new animals coming & a colleague who knows that I love gilas told me we had babies coming in. I had to ask doubtfully “Reeeeally???” He said “Today is not the first of April!” But it WAS! So I waited half an hour and then asked the boss and he verified that we were getting baby beaded lizards in. Not only that, but a week later that we

were getting the adults. Great or what! They are just gorgeous! I have to get some photos of them yet, but when I do I will post the pictures somewhere if anyone is interested.
Bluey has also bought us the Queen concert tickets after me having a long think about going. I am a Queen fan, however after the death of Freddy Mercury I was in the mind-frame “Without Freddy it isn’t really Queen”. But the true statement is that without Freddy,

it is not Queen the way we used to know them. Queen the band produced gems (and I am sure they still do) and Paul Rogers is not attempting to be Freddy (which is impossible). So after surfing the internet & much consideration I told Bluey that I would love to go to the concert. I can’t wait for the concert and I am interested in the new album they are releasing in September. Before this turns

into a bigger band review I should stop.
We also had a family day with all of us there, apart from Erik & Maria. Scrubbs was also there. Bluey & I took Scrubbs to meet Rolf & Elke at the harbour before catching the ferry and bus to where we were heading. It was a really nice nature-walk on the edge of the city. We all enjoyed the hike and the chance to spend time together as a family. We even saw a woodpecker. Cooool! For Scrubbs I think the highlight was to check out all the scents, chew on pine cones and chew on old branches. The walk gave a great view of the harbour. After the hike we enjoyed a welcomed cup of coffee…apart from Bluey who drank a hot chocolate because she doesn’t like coffee.
A bad thing that happened at work was a bloke came a gutser (had an accident) a few weeks back. I was going past a room when I heard a crash, thud and a “OOOHHHHHHHHH” I rushed into the room and saw Carsten sitting on the floor holding his head. I asked “what happened…are you all right???” Yeah, I know…stupid questions, but don’t laugh, because you know that you would have asked the same thing^^. Someone else came past and also assisted. He had fallen from a low height onto the back of his head, felt nauseous and had blurry vision. I told the boss & later found out he was taken to hospital and suffered from concussion. Poor bugger. He is alright now but.
Last year Bluey, Erik & I were looking at surf style pendants & carvings from a New Zealand company checking out cool neck pendants. Bluey liked the looks of the Maori Hei-Matau

(Hooks) while I liked the looks of a manta ray pendant. I made a mental note of what she liked & waited for a few months before ordering them. Bluey had no idea what I ordered, so she was excited when she opened hers to see what it was. It was something of a reward for her work & stressful studies at uni. Something to take

her mind off the pressures of studying. Here’s the link if any of you are interested. http://boneart.co.nz/index.html
Well I think that is enough for now. There were more things happening, but I can write more about things later. Take care & all the best til next time.
Rolf took the last picture while I wiped the coffee from my beard...wonderful shot ^^ lol.