Firstly the beaded lizards at work. We had new animals coming & a colleague who knows that I love gilas told me we had babies coming in. I had to ask doubtfully “Reeeeally???” He said “Today is not the first of April!” But it WAS! So I waited half an hour and then asked the boss and he verified that we were getting baby beaded lizards in. Not only that, but a week later that we

Bluey has also bought us the Queen concert tickets after me having a long think about going. I am a Queen fan, however after the death of Freddy Mercury I was in the mind-frame “Without Freddy it isn’t really Queen”. But the true statement is that without Freddy,
We also had a family day with all of us there, apart from Erik & Maria. Scrubbs was also there. Bluey & I took Scrubbs to meet Rolf & Elke at the harbour before catching the ferry and bus to where we were heading. It was a really nice nature-walk on the edge of the city. We all enjoyed the hike and the chance to spend time together as a family. We even saw a woodpecker. Cooool! For Scrubbs I think the highlight was to check out all the scents, chew on pine cones and chew on old branches. The walk gave a great view of the harbour. After the hike we enjoyed a welcomed cup of coffee…apart from Bluey who drank a hot chocolate because she doesn’t like coffee.
A bad thing that happened at work was a bloke came a gutser (had an accident) a few weeks back. I was going past a room when I heard a crash, thud and a “OOOHHHHHHHHH” I rushed into the room and saw Carsten sitting on the floor holding his head. I asked “what happened…are you all right???” Yeah, I know…stupid questions, but don’t laugh, because you know that you would have asked the same thing^^. Someone else came past and also assisted. He had fallen from a low height onto the back of his head, felt nauseous and had blurry vision. I told the boss & later found out he was taken to hospital and suffered from concussion. Poor bugger. He is alright now but.
Last year Bluey, Erik & I were looking at surf style pendants & carvings from a New Zealand company checking out cool neck pendants. Bluey liked the looks of the Maori Hei-Matau

Well I think that is enough for now. There were more things happening, but I can write more about things later. Take care & all the best til next time.
Rolf took the last picture while I wiped the coffee from my beard...wonderful shot ^^ lol.
1 comment:
very good as usual. Good on you both. It is good to see the photos and read about everything. linda.
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