Sensory overload. Some beautifully made jewellery boxes (may buy one), a papyrus artist (bought 2 works from him) the he took us to someone selling perfumes (bought “Lotus blossom” for Bluey. Then he took us to another place for Bluey to buy a scarf so we could go into a Mosque. We saw so much behind the scenes with “Ahum” or “Umm” (pronounced “umm”… dunno!) But before we got to the K.A.K. we looked around the area of our hotel and
everyone) is demanding your attention. “Here, here…” ”special price…” ”Where you from, I make offer for you?” We did make it to Fishawis coffeeshop. It’s been open over 200 years. Guess you could say that is saying something for it! However, even sipping a peppermint tea while Bluey drank “strawberry juice” (cut up strawberries in a sweet, syrupy, watery drink) you are STILL bombarded
9.56 pm. Just came back from dinner. I had an egg burger & Bluey a cheeseburger and a bag of potato chips for 8.50 E£ or 1.21 €. Cheap, not bad and cheap. We will go there often. Today we ordered “1 cheese pizza & 1 cheese pancake”. There was S.F.A. cheese on it & the cheese there was, was feta with olives & paprika. Bluey was not impressed.
Nooooo I bloody well wasn’t impressed. I ordered a frigging cheese pizza… which in my humble opinion implies that there is cheese on the bloody pizza. First of all it wasn’t really pizza, but some kind of pastry thing that only fulfilled the pizza criteria of being round… and then there was veggies
(paprika, olives & other yucky stuff on it) and even though I closely checked I only found specks of cheese if you can even say that on it! Bloody bullshit I reckon
… they can sell that, but not under the false impression giving name of a you-beaut cheese pizza.